Today’s New Covenant nugget is from James 2:18-20

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?”

The Mirror Bible says it this way, “My friends, if your faith is not practical and visible in your conduct it is fake and cannot benefit you in any way. Faith is not in competition with works; the one cannot operate without the other. Faith remains invisible without action; indeed the only way to communicate faith is in doing the things prompted and inspired by faith. Hey man, if you have nothing to show for your faith your faith is meaningless; it remains a dead doctrine.”

Many passive believers consider themselves to be in faith… they say, “I’m trusting the Lord for financial breakthrough”, or “I’m believing for my healing”, or “I’m in faith for a better job”. Their faith ends at trusting, believing, or hoping… friends, New Covenant FAITH is more than trusting, believing and hoping… New Covenant faith is active, not passive. New Covenant faith is more than a position, a positive confession, being fully convinced, or relying on the Lord in the absence of all doubt… New Covenant faith is active, and involves action! 

New Covenant faith includes believing, trusting, and being fully convinced that what He promised, He is able to do, but it is more than that; James said, “I will show you my faith by my works”. Peter, walking on water is a picture of true New Covenant faith… not Peter in the boat, confessing scripture. Confessing scripture is powerful, and it leads to strong faith, but it is not faith, until it includes action!

Ask the Lord to show you what He is leading you to DO, what He is leading you to GIVE, who He is leading you to SERVE, and where He is leading you to GO. As the Lord leads, start taking baby steps… your baby steps are what will turn mere believing to REAL New Covenant FAITH! 

In His amazing love, Nick