Today’s New Covenant Nugget is from Hebrews 6:12 

Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

The Passion Translation says, ‘Don’t allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm, but follow the example of those who fully received what God has promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance.’

Faith is what receives the promise and patient endurance is what enables you to stand firm until the promise has fully manifested.

A better word for patience is really ‘steadfastness’.  Steadfastness acts as a battering ram and keeps on keeping on in faith without wavering, regardless of circumstances or how long things may take. Both faith and steadfastness [patient endurance] are fruit of the Spirit and operate by love.

Some things take time, and many simply give up, give in, or lose hope when things do not happen immediately. 2022 is your year to walk in what God has for you! Not only for you, but especially for those around you that are depending on you to break through!

When God’s promises don’t immediately manifest, some think, ‘I must be doing something wrong’ and then, instead of staying on the path, they abandon ship and further delay receiving their promise. In the world they say, “it is a form of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and to expect a different result”, but under the New Covenant, we stay the course and we let our steadfastness be used as a battering ram by faith until breakthrough.

With some Christians, the issue is not only that they lack steadfastness, the bigger issue is that their faith is passive… patient endurance involves ACTIVE FAITH! This means that you work the bettering ram of endurance with faith continual declarations, continual prayer, and continual Spirit directed ACTION. Faith is active, and patience never stops!

Only change direction when led by the Spirit to do so…

The devil will try to bring discouragement, frustration and will try to get you to lose heart, give up and change direction, but stay the course unless prompted by the Holy Ghost to make changes. Keep your confession of faith going, keep believing, keep standing, keep doing everything the Lord tells you until He says different. 

Don’t allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm, but follow the example of those who fully received what God has promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance, in Jesus Name! 2022 is your year!

In His Amazing Love, Nick