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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Isaiah 12:3 (TPT)

With triumphant joy you will drink deeply from the wells of salvation.

Joy receives all of the blessings of salvation...

Both the Hebrew word for salvation (yᵉshûwʻâh), as well as the Greek word for salvation (sozo) literally mean prosperity and provision, divine health and healing, deliverance, preservation as well as protection. Joy receives all of those provisions. With triumphant joy you will drink deeply from the wells of salvation…

The language of JOY is laughter, singing, smiling, being lighthearted, being optimistic, and having fun… like everything else in the New Covenant, joy has to be implemented by grace, through FAITH! Putting on JOY has nothing to do with how our flesh feels… we put on joy by grace, through faith! Smile by faith, laugh by faith, be lighthearted by faith, be a fun person by faith, be positive and optimistic by faith… don’t wait for your flesh to FEEL it… put on JOY by grace through faith, and your emotions will follow!

As we put on JOY by faith… as we rejoice by faith, as we put on a smile, laugh, and keep a joyful attitude by faith, the anointing on the joy of the Lord draws all of the blessings of sozo and yᵉshûwʻâh out into manifestation like a bucket draws water from a well.

Joy is more than an emotion, joy is a fruit of the Spirit that works through agape’ love. A revelation af the agape love of the Lord for you releases triumphant joy, regardless of the circumstances – then that joy draws the provisions and blessings of salvation out into manifestation.

Put on Joy by faith everyday in 2022! As you do you will be strong, healthy, full of energy, alert, positive anointed and unstoppable!

In His amazing love, Nick