Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Matthew 11:15
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

This is part two on yesterday’s devotion… “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

Let me begin by repeating the foundation of what I said yesterday… “When we hear the Word of God, faith is activated within us as believers. We have all already been given a measure of faith, but the faith that we have been given remains dormant until it is activated… hearing the Word activates our faith and causes it to rise up in our hearts. There are different levels of hearing the Word, firstly, we hear the Word in casual conversation… we also hear the Word when it is preached, and we hear the Word subconsciously when we read the bible silently, but when we SPEAK the Word ourselves under the anointing, and we hear OURSELVES declaring it, it has the strongest effect on faith.”

One of the best ways to start HEARING yourself declaring, confessing and speaking the Word under the anointing, is to start PRAYING the Word. David wrote down his prayers, then turned them into songs and poems… in so doing, He continually heard himself speaking and singing the Word… Take Psalm 119 for example, Psalm 119 is one of several acrostic poems written by David. It has 176 verses that are divided into 22 stanzas, one for each of the 22 characters that make up the Hebrew alphabet. In the Hebrew text, each of the eight verses of each stanza begins with the same Hebrew letter. David wrote the Word of God out in a poem that was easy to memorize and speak out as a prayer… “the law of the Lord, His testimonies, His ways, Your precepts, Your statutes, Your commandments, Your Word, With my lips I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth…” Every verse talks about ‘the Word’ using different phrases.

In Psalm 45:1 David wrote, “My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I RECITE my composition concerning the King (The Messiah); MY TONGUE is the pen of a ready writer.” The New American Standard Bible says it this way, “My heart is moved with a good theme; I address MY VERSES to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

Like David, write down prayers that are full of the Word, then PRAY them out loud under the anointing… this is a very good way to spend an hour or so a day in prayer… writing down ‘WORD prayers’, then declaring them by faith, followed by praying in the Spirit… as you do this consistently, you will HEAR YOURSELF speaking the Word, and your faith will be ACTIVATED. Your activated faith will then begin to RECEIVE from the Lord on a whole new level. Selah!

In His amazing love, Nick
