Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

When we hear the Word of God, faith is activated within us as believers. We have all already been given a measure of faith, but the faith that we have been given remains dormant until it is activated… hearing the Word activates our faith and causes it to rise up in our hearts.

There are different levels of hearing the Word, firstly, we hear the Word in casual conversation… we also hear the Word when it is preached, but when we SPEAK the Word ourselves under the anointing, and we hear OURSELVES declaring it, it has the strongest effect on faith.

When we read the Word silently, we may ‘hear’ it in our subconscious mind, hearing it subconsciously does stir up our faith, but on the lowest level compared to declaring it by faith with our mouths.

Most people do not ‘hear’ the Word much, many others only hear it in conversation, when others are preaching it, or subconsciously when they are reading the bible, or a teaching from the bible… the vast majority of believers do not regularly speak, confess and declare the Word with their mouths under the anointing… this is why so many believers are in a place where their faith is either totally dormant, or only running like a dripping tap.

The enemy places the MOST resistance and puts the MOST effort into blocking believers from SPEAKING the Word under the anointing. The bible says that “The Word is near you, in your MOUTH and in your heart, that is, the Word of faith which we DECLARE, that if you CONFESS with your MOUTH the Lord Jesus (the Word) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (be healed, prospered, delivered, preserved and be endowed with every blessing from the Lord)” (Romans 10:8-9)

The bible says in Hebrews 10:23 to hold fast the CONFESSION of our faith without wavering; for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to His Word, and in Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) it says to “hold fast our CONFESSION [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him as Savior]. Over, and over again, the bible tells us to SPEAK the Word with our own mouths, and yet, very few believers actually do it.

When you HEAR yourself speaking the Word, it has a PROFOUND impact on your faith, it ACTIVATES faith on the highest level. FAITH is what RECEIVES what God has given, and without it, let not any man think that he will receive ANYTHING from the Lord. (James 1:6-7) We all have faith as believers, (Romans 12:3) but our faith has to be activated (dormant faith is no better than no faith at all).

Start DECLARING the Word today, start by reading these devotions out loud, then take the scriptures in them and say them out load several times under the anointing. Take the time to write down several scriptural declarations on different subjects like healing, provision, prosperity, miracles, the anointing and such, and then make the time to SPEAK those declarations out loud, in faith, under the anointing. As you do, your FAITH will be activated, and you will begin RECEIVING on another level! Selah!

In His amazing love, Nick
