Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 149:1

 Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, praise Him in the assembly of His saints!

Friends today is Sunday…. What a beautiful day today is to sing to God with a new song of praise on our hearts. Today our band is going to be doing a powerful new song of Worship to the Lord…. I was meditating on this verse and am so excited about today… we get to worship the Lord with His saints, His kids, His family and sing together something we have never sung before as a church…. That is how life with Jesus is, every day is now, every morning has fresh new things for which we get to give Him glory.

Today, whether you are going to church or not, whether you are watching service online or not… just take some time, to sing a new song to the Lord! Sing a new song of praise from the bottom of your heart – He is worthy of your praise. He deserves our best praise… He deserves our first praise. Give Him a first fruit offering of praise from your lips today…

I can’t wait to get to church to worship Him with His children today – my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ… I am so excited to go to church and to worship Him with a new song, just like the bible talks about, I know you are too… Selah!

In His amazing Love, Esther
