Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Proverbs 14:14 (TLB)

The backslider gets bored with himself; the godly man’s life is exciting. 

The New King James Version says, “The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.”

If your life as a believer is not filled with excitement, and if you do not jump out of bed every day, flooded with excitement for the day, you are missing out! Excitement, or supernatural satisfaction from above is available to every New Covenant believer! You do not ever have to go to bed, or wake up apprehensive, worried, down or in fear… supernatural joy, excitement and satisfaction should never be linked to circumstances… the excitement I am talking about is a fruit of faith, not a result of circumstances.

A righteous believer in Christ should be living an exciting life… a life that is supernaturally satisfying, full of joy and expectation that every day will be filled with great things. Faith should cause you to wake up excited every single day. Our flesh only gets excited AFTER something good happens, but our spirit man gets excited by FAITH… by faith in the promises of God in His Word!

Faith COMES by hearing, and hearing by the Word, but faith has to be activated, and a big part of ACTIVATING the faith that has been sowed in your heart by hearing the Word, is choosing, or DECIDING to do something by the faith on the inside of you. Choose to be excited by faith, DECIDE to believe that the Word is true and His promises are for you and then make a faith declaration over your day!

Wake up every day and get excited by faith… receive communion and declare, “today is going to be an exciting day, filled with blessings from above, today I will walk in the favor and blessings of the Lord! Today I will see miracles, signs and wonders, and today I will live the abundant, blessed life, in Jesus Name! I am so excited about what is going to happen today!” 

Have an exciting day, in His amazing love, Nick!
