
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 14:3

They stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

The Passion Translation says, “Paul and Barnabas stayed there for a long time, preaching boldly and fearlessly about the Lord. Many trusted in the Lord, for He backed up His message of grace with miracles, signs, and wonders performed by the apostles.”

When you sow grace to others, you will reap signs, wonders and miracles performed through your hands, in the Name of Jesus! A legalistic, judgmental, negative, condemning stance will not be backed up with signs, wonders and miracles, for the Lord does not bear witness with such things… Jesus established a dispensation of GRACE through His New Covenant and when that GRACE is preached, ministered and shared to others, then Jesus will always pour out His power to establish and to validate His grace!

Most people are eager to receive grace… I am not sure if I know anybody that wants what they rightly deserve in all things, including their failures and mistakes… they want rewards for doing right, but they all want mercy and grace when it comes to their failures and weaknesses. Many of those same people want justice without grace and mercy to come to others.

We all need our minds in a continual state of renewal when it comes to sowing grace towards others. Blessing those that persecute us, doing good to those that seek to harm us, loving our enemies and praying for those who despitefully use us, or abuse us… sowing grace towards ‘those people’ can only be done by first receiving the grace to do it… “Of His fullness we have all received, grace for grace.” (John 1:16)

I want to encourage you today to freely receive the undeserved gift of grace from Jesus, but don’t stop there… by the grace that you have received, begin to pour out grace to all, including people who do not deserve it… speak kind upbuilding words, look for the diamond in others and let them know that you see it, send gifts to people who have not been nice to you, sincerely pray blessings upon those who consider themselves your enemies and let the grace of Jesus freely flow toward those who are least deserving of it.

As you sow grace, you will reap miracles… Jesus will back up you pouring out His grace by faith with amazing, continual miracles in your own life and in your ministry… selah!

In His Amazing Love, Nick
