
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 John 2:27

The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

The anointing is the manifest presence and power of Jesus, ‘the Anointed One’ through the Holy Spirit… His presence can literally be ‘felt’ and discerned by believers. The anointing is more than ‘feeling’ the presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit… the anointing is charged with power, knowledge, wisdom, supernatural ability, and miracles. The anointing is what Jesus uses to transfer what He has to His followers.

When powdered vitamins are placed in water, the water becomes the agent of transfer and transfers the vitamins into your body as you drink… in the same way, the essence of Jesus, (His ability, His power, His authority, His revelations…) all that Jesus is and all that He has is supernaturally transferred to us as believers through the agent of Holy Ghost anointing.

We receive, absorb, or ‘drink’ the anointing in faith. In 1 John 2:27 Jesus was saying, “you have ‘received’ the anointing… you drank of me through the anointing, My power, authority, ability, wisdom and revelation knowledge is now in you… now, you do not have to look to man for revelation, direction or ability… just follow the anointing!”

People have testified to this in our meetings… as I am teaching and preaching the Word, the anointing manifests and is poured out… at that point, those who drink of it receive infinitely more than what I am saying. They receive truth and revelation knowledge with power, authority and ability from Jesus via the anointing. People approach me after a very simple message expressing, “wow, what a powerful, life-changing message”… by the anointing, a simple message becomes profound.

Those who do not receive the anointing walk away unimpressed and unchanged. It is amazing that the same Word will be profound and life-changing to one, and boring and ‘I’ve heard that before’ to another… the same with praise and worship and every part of the service… some will be sitting, totally bored and enduring a long service while texting people on their phones, while others will be shaken by the power of God, transformed, equipped and empowered in the same service… one discerned the anointing and drank of it and the other did not.

That explains why someone who is offended, or in their flesh in a service thinks that the church has lost it’s power… they say, “this church is just not the same anymore… remember when pastor Nick was really flowing in the anointing… remember when his messages were amazingly powerful… remember when the Holy Spirit would move in church… things are just not the same anymore.” It is not that the church, or the pastor has lost the ‘profound’ edge… it is that the offended person is no longer open to the anointing on the pastor and the church.

The anointing is the agent that transfers the essence of Jesus… it can be transferred through a little four-year-old child singing, ‘Jesus loves me this I know’, or through a stuttering, simple minded preacher… discern the anointing, look for it, and then receive that anointing… it will change your life.

The number one thing that we seek at Amazing Love Church is the anointing… I tell our team, “focus more on receiving and imparting the anointing than anything else… use your faith for Jesus to manifest Himself through the anointing on your singing, your playing an instrument and your speaking. When Jesus manifests Himself through you, then your job is done! Sing your best, play in excellence to the best of your ability, preach to the best of your ability, having studied the Word, but at the end of the day… use your faith for Jesus to manifest Himself through the anointing of the Holy Spirit… at that point, it is up to the people to drink!”

Seek the anointing in your personal life, look for it on music, on messages, or on people… when you discern it, receive it… drink of it and absorb it, then let that same anointing flow out of you! That is when the anointing in your shadow heals people, when the anointing in your touch drives out sickness and where the anointing in your presence become another ‘pool of Bethesda’… selah!

In His Amazing Love, Nick
