
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 8:31-32

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

When you consistently walk in the Word, you will have your eyes opened to real truth, and the truth that you have revelation on will make you free!

We can only truly KNOW truth when we receive supernatural revelation… when our eyes are supernaturally opened. Continuing, or abiding in the Word gives birth to absolute TRUTH, and when you appropriate that TRUTH by faith it will make you free from all that binds.

What is truth?

Some people think that scientific facts are truth… but science is subject to accurate knowledge and fallible research, it represents partial truth at best. Divine truth from the Father is absolute truth and has no error in it... it is absolutely infallible. Divine truth may contradict 'so called ‘facts’, or fallible worldly truth because ‘worldly truth’ is based upon flawed science that is limited to what has been discovered. Divine truth is not based upon science, it is TRUTH because the Lord said it. God has made all things that have been made and knows all things… He is not a man that He should lie, therefore if He knows something and then says it, what He says is absolutely infallible!

When we meditate upon His infallible Word of truth until we get a supernatural revelation… then, the greater our application of the revelation, the greater freedom that we walk in!

Consistency in the Word is the key to freedom, divine health, abundant living and total prosperity…

Jesus said, if you CONTINUE in My Word, you will know the truth (you will receive revelation) and the truth (the revelation knowledge of divine absolute truth) shall make you FREE (as you walk in it).

There is a difference between mental assent and revelation knowledge of how to walk in infallible truth… for example, there is a doctrine that says that Jesus paid the price for our healing on Calvary, and therefore, by His stripes we have been healed. You can know the doctrine and even get an ‘A’ on your seminary test, but without revelation that goes beyond mental assent, you will not walk in Divine health.

It is only when you receive a supernatural ‘revelation’ from the Lord that you go beyond ‘mental assent’ to ‘supernaturally understanding’ infallible truth. A person who is actually walking in truth is fully persuaded that they have been healed and lying symptoms of illness are obliterated by the anointing on the infallible TRUTH that they are walking in.

Scriptural meditation is a deeply spiritual exercise of spending time in the Word until it washes out all lies, deception and falsities… washing out lies and things that contradict truth and then replacing those ‘un-truths’ with infallible truth until the infallible truth becomes revelation… ‘a supernatural aha moment’.

How do I know absolute infallible TRUTH from fallible error?

Infallible truth always brings freedom and liberty… everything else brings heaviness, bondage and restriction… TRUTH is always accompanied by peace, joy, faith and hope… truth is always full of life that imparts abundant living and infallible truth is always saturated with the anointing, everything else is nothing more than a lie!

In His Amazing Love, Nick
