Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 14:37 (NLT) 

Then He returned and found the disciples asleep. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Couldn’t you watch with Me even one hour?

When you MAKE time to pray, you actually make more time to be productive. Smith Wigglesworth started each day with a minimum of an hour of prayer… he said that some days, his schedule was so packed that he did not have the time to pray, so those days, he prayed two hours. Making time for the Lord in prayer adds His super on your natural for the rest of your day… not making time to pray means that you plan to face an overwhelming day in your own strength.

 Do not only pray when you are on the run… give Jesus your whole focus when praying… then, pray all day long as you tackle your busy day. Some people only ever pray while multitasking… that is like the person that you love kissing you, while on social media on their phone… not good!

I remember years ago a lady who attended our church shared with me that her only time to pray was when she filled her car with gas. That lady needed a revelation on prayer, and her life demonstrated it.

Jesus said to His disciples - could you not tarry an hour?  Worshipping ministers to the Father but praying ministers to us ... when we SET ASIDE our valuable time to pray the Lord IMPARTS power, strength, ability, favor and wisdom as we are praying. As you spend focused time to pray in the Spirit in other tongues, to pray the prayer of faith, declaring the Word, and praying the prayer of petition, making your requests known to God with thanksgiving, the Lord answers your prayers by doing ‘IN YOU’, what He is about to do ‘THROUGH YOU’, to impact people and circumstances ‘AROUND YOU!’ Make time to spend with the Lord by grace through faith... set aside the time and STOP everything you are doing and put 100 % of your focus on Him.

You may call it your quiet time.. you may call it your morning devotional time, but take time today to put ‘your busy’ aside and 'tarry' with Him… just you and the Lord

In His amazing Love, Esther