Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Corinthians 11:30 (NLT)

 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.

Paul teaches the church in Corinth that many are weak and sick and even die prematurely because they do not understand, discern and partake of holy communion the way that they should. This means that if we as believers partake of communion the right way, ‘discerning the Lord’s body’ that we will be strong, healthy and that we will live a long, blessed life.

Holy Communion is not a regular meal, it is ‘covenant worship’. Healing, strength and long abundant life are the blessings that come when we ‘discern’ the body and the blood through supernatural REVELATION, and then partake of our New Covenant in faith, worshipping the Lord.

About seven years ago, I sought the Lord for increased revelation and discernment in receiving Holy Communion. I had heard some powerful testimonies from believers who had been healed, and blessed beyond words through daily partaking of communion. I instantly knew by the Spirit that this was not a ‘formula’ from the Lord, but a way of receiving the New Covenant blessings given to us through Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross.

Jesus said, “this cup ‘IS’ the New Covenant in My blood.” Before Jesus, Old Covenant worship required the slaughter of animals… spotless, healthy, pure animals… through sacrificing those animals (as a shadow and type of the true spotless lamb… the Messiah), people’s sins were ‘covered’. Today, in the New Covenant, we do not slaughter animals; we eat a broken piece of unleavened bread, and drink some unfermented grape juice, representing the PERFECT sinless body and the perfectly pure blood of the PERFECT lamb and Messiah, Jesus Christ.

 As we do this, we ‘remember’… we consciously DISCERN that we are now partaking of ‘covenant worship’… we discern that we are RECEIVING more than the ‘covering’ of our sins… we are receiving EVERYTHING given to us through Christ… the REMOVAL of all sin, as far as the east is from the west, the removal of EVERY stain, deliverance from EVERY curse that is imputed through sin, total power over the old sin nature, Jesus’ divine nature, healing, wholeness, divine health, provision, prosperity, wisdom, the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, the mind of Christ, the desires of Christ… I could go on for a thousand more pages, and only scratch the surface!

 All of this is received, by grace, through faith, by eating some unleavened bread, and drinking some grape juice, with discernment, and reverence, in faith. It seems way too simple, but that is how the New Covenant is… Jesus did ‘the hard to do’ part, now all we do is ‘RECEIVE’ by faith!

 As my revelation grew, my excitement grew… what an opportunity… what an AMAZING gift from Jesus! I asked the Lord, “how often can I do this?” He said, “AS OFTEN AS you do this, REMEMBER what I did, why I did it, and what you now have access to…” I said, “yes, but, HOW OFTEN can I do it?” Jesus said, “AS OFTEN AS YOU DO THIS…” I instantly knew… I could partake as many times as I needed to partake to feed my faith, to receive what He had freely given me.

 I decided… at a MINIMUM, I would participate in Covenant Worship through holy communion at least once a day… so, now I start each day, partaking of my New Covenant, with all of its blessings and benefits. I have done this for about seven years now; and for seven years, I have not been sick… I have not even had ‘the sniffles’. I used to get a cold that turned into bronchitis, or pneumonia EVERY year… every year, I had to take antibiotics to overcome this. No more! My testimony is ‘seven years of health, strength and blessing!’ I have lost weight, gotten in shape, and been totally delivered from all discouragement, frustration, depression, and all emotional baggage… I have renewed my youth on wings of eagles… we are significantly more blessed financially, and in every way! The power and supernatural miracle working ability of the Lord has increased in our lives… by the way, Esther has been doing this as well with the same results. ALL glory be to God!

 We do not do this RITUALISTICALLY, but sincerely, reverently, and IN FAITH as we discern the Lord’s body and blood. I highly recommend it! 

 In His amazing Love, Nick