Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Corinthians 12:31 (TPT)

You should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts. And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!

The Lord wants you and I to use our faith and seek, desire and require ‘the best’ gifts of the Spirit. What are the BEST gifts? The ones that we need for our life, specific calling and specific assignments from the Lord… this includes the gifts that we need to operate towards the people that we are called to reach and minister to.

There are many gifts of the Spirit… In 1 Corinthians 12 it identifies, ‘the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, the working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, diverse tongues, the interpretation of tongues, helps, and administrations.’ Romans 12:6-8 identifies different gifts… ‘serving, teaching, exhortation, or the gift of encouragement, giving, leadership, and the gift of compassion’; so, in these two passages alone, 17 gifts are identified. 

GIFTS of the Spirit, or a ‘grace gifts’, that are imparted and anointed by the Holy Spirit, are freely given to Spirit filled believers. Receiving the baptism of the Spirit, as referred to in Acts 1:8, leads to receiving all of the POWER gifts of the Spirit that have been set aside and tailor made by God for you. The Lord encourages us to earnestly desire, and to use our faith to seek and to RECEIVE the gifts that have been made, anointed, and set aside for us. These gifts equip us as ministers and witnesses to operate and to do the Works of Jesus under the supernatural power and ability of God.

 Let me give you an example… you have the ability to ‘serve’ people, using your natural ability and your heart of love, but when a believer ‘serves’ under the supernatural power and ability that operates through the ‘gift of the Spirit of ‘serving’, the recipients of your serving will receive far more than being served… they will receive deliverance, freedom, healing, wholeness and walk away ‘spiritually blessed’, strengthened and transformed, by the miracle impartation that is released through the gift of the Spirit of serving. Serving in the natural is good, kind, and will bless people, but SERVING under the anointing of the gift of the Spirit of ‘serving’, is like the difference between swimming in water and walking on water!

 Seek out and receive your gifts by FAITH, and then use your FAITH to release the supernatural power and anointing on your gift as you operate in it, in Jesus Name! 

 In His amazing Love, Nick