
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Habakkuk 2:2-3

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; it will speak of the end, and it will not lie. Even if the vision is not fulfilled right away, wait patiently;
for it will certainly come to pass—it will not arrive late.”

Accurately and clearly articulating vision received from the Lord is very important. The Lord wants to give us helpers and team members that can run with His vision and His assignments for our lives… writing it down clearly helps others to be able to run with it.

The word Hebrew translated as ‘vision’ is better translated ‘revelation’. As a believer the Lord gives you ‘revelation knowledge’ about a truth, an assignment or about something previously hidden… when you are ready, He reveals it to you. Not all revelation is to be shared, some revelation is only for you… most revelation from the Lord however should be shared so that others can also benefit from it.

In the case of the command from the Lord in Habakkuk, the revelation was to be written down clearly so that others could run with it.

Here is another translation of the same scripture… “Write down this revelation from Me, record it legibly on tablets so the one who reads it may run with it. For the revelation is a witness to what is decreed; it gives reliable testimony about how matters will turn out. Even if the revelation may not fulfilled right away, wait patiently; for it will certainly come to pass—it will not arrive late.”

Somebody recently asked me about the vision for Amazing Love Church… we have the vision written down on our ‘home page’, but as I was about to cut and paste it to them, the Lord began to talk to me about communicating the vision and His assignment to Amazing Love Church more clearly. I will add a link of this ‘revealed assignment’ from the Lord to us on our website.


“Freely receiving, then freely sharing the amazing love of Jesus.”

“A vibrant, culturally relevant ministry of unconditional love, unending acceptance and unlimited forgiveness to all by the power of the New Covenant in Christ Jesus.

To reach, help, heal, teach and train each one God sends, in order that those that are healed and made whole and made acceptable in the beloved can effectively bring about healing in others through Christ, throughout our community, our city, our Island and ultimately the world.”


Everything starts and everything ends with our relationship with Jesus. He is truly the way, the truth and the life! We can only ‘do things’ for Jesus in His Name to the extent that we have a relationship with Him.


As for the church service, we want Amazing Love Church to be a place where the Holy Spirit can move, where the river of God can flow and where Jesus can minister to His people as He wants without having to do so within a box that we have created with pre-conceived ideas and structure.

A place where we can freely worship and experience the presence, the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Our services are totally yielded to the leading of the Spirit and the ministry, the Word and the altar calls are subject to our Commander in Chief, Jesus.

The church services are to be a place where the body comes together to worship the Lord, to pray together, to receive communion, to receive a ‘now word’ from the Lord, to receive impartation, to be ministered to by the laying on of hands as the Spirit leads and to enjoy fellowship with people of like faith… then to go forth and continue the works of Jesus as His hands extended.


The Lord has given us a powerful revelation on the New Covenant, rightly dividing the Word and how it operates compared to previous covenants between God and His people. New Covenant grace, the Love of God, who we are in Christ, how His kingdom operates, our authority as believers in Christ, confession and declaration, living by faith, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, New Covenant tithing and giving, and many more New Covenant realities.


We see the diamond in each believer, no matter how many ‘issues’ the person has, we look beyond their flaws and their faults and see the diamond. Instead of looking at the crowd, we see the individual. To us, ‘church growth’ is the individual, growing in God, finding their calling and living the abundant life according to the plan of God. Our measuring stick is not attendance size, but ‘was the Lord able to do what He planned to do without hindrance’. We do not count our people, for they are more than numbers, we count what the Lord does in and through our people.

We encourage each one to come as they are, but not to stay as they are… each believer should continually and progressively be ‘being transformed’ into the image of Jesus. We judge no one and we love everyone. We are patient toward one another and we believe the best of everyone.


We are not overly organized, program driven or focused on events… although the ‘house’ has a vision, each individual has a unique calling and should not be made to fit into a mold… as church leadership, we are servants… we are there to love, to embrace, to serve, to equip, to impart and to draw out the diamond in each one.

Each assignment from the Lord comes with a plan on how to implement it. We seek His face for each assignment and every plan. We do not try to do everything, but we are determined to do what He has assigned us to do, His way and in His timing with the people that He wants. There is never any pressure to achieve or to perform… His yoke is easy and His burden is light… where He leads, He provides.

Finally, we see our ministry as a team of people who have received the Love and grace of Jesus, and are now committed to continue His ministry to each other and to a lost and dying world… we believe that as we make His agenda and His kingdom our priority above all else, that everything that we need will pursue us and overtake us, giving us true abundant living.

Jesus will build His church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. The Lord will build this house through His people His way and in His timing, and it shall stand!

In His amazing Love, Nick
