
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal [never ending zōḗ life], to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

The Lord wants us to stay in faith and to live by faith regardless of circumstances. To live by faith is to live a life, trusting the Lord, believing His Word and considering His Word absolute truth above worldly logic, worldly science, or man’s opinions or so-called facts. In other words, when Jesus says that you can walk on water, then walk on water and disregard the experience of others, the science, or logic and do what He said, believing that if you have the Word of God on it, then you can do it.

The Word translated as life is the Greek word ‘zōḗ’ literally meaning ‘the God kind of life - life as God lives, or supernatural divine life’. The word translated as ‘confessed and confession’ is the Greek word ‘Homologéō’ literally meaning, ‘to say the same thing that another says’… in this case, the ‘another’ is Jesus, who has given us His living, powerful Word. The Greek word translated as ‘fight’ could also be translated ‘contend’… therefore, 1 Timothy 6:12 could also be translated this way, “Use your faith to contend for and receive the supernatural life that Jesus has given you by continually declaring His Word in the presence of others.”

Everybody has an opinion, everybody seems to be ‘speaking their mind’, so be careful not to say the same unscriptural things as them, instead say what the Word says according to the New Covenant… secular people and even Christians who speak death are laying hold of death by their confession of fear and negativity… in the same way, lay hold of supernatural life by your confession of faith.

It is a ‘fight’ against what the enemy is trying to establish… a contention and a battle for ‘life’ and blessing, regardless of circumstances. Lay hold of supernatural zōḗ life today… contend for it… fight for it and say what the Word says by faith, in Jesus Name!

In His amazing Love, Nick
