
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please Him

Family, we are dealing with and seeing things we have never seen before and much of society is full of fear and negativity…. but the Word of God reminds us that without faith it is impossible to please God.

In the last week… since last Wednesday, I have gotten many messages texted to me or sent to me on messenger and I refuse to open and read almost 90% of them, because 90% of them are full of fear and negativity. The bible tells us to guard our hearts and to take heed to what we hear. As children of God, let’s put a guard over our hearts and minds. Unless something you read is full of faith, full of God’s Word and brings peace and life to your soul – ‘take heed’.

I was looking at some Christian’s posts on fb… putting posts up that would bring the average person into total fear.

Nick just did an email about being salt and light to the world…. family of God, let’s bring God’s love and life to the World. Unless something is of faith, don’t post it, share it or forward it. Unless it is full of God’s Word, don’t post it, share it or forward it.

Let’s rise and shine with God’s Word. Let’s bring God’s life-giving Word to others – faith comes from hearing the Word. Let’s plant the Word as seed, so that in the times ahead of us and in the near future, we can stand full of faith and please God. Unless you are full of the Word, unless you are speaking the Word, unless you position yourself to hear the Word, how can you stay in Faith? During this season, the Lord wants you full of His Word so you can rise up in faith, keep the faith, impart faith to others and please Him.

In His amazing Love, Esther
