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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 5:17

“…Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Happy, blessed New Year to all of you! Today is a new beginning, thank You Jesus!

Isaiah 43:18-19 (TPT) says, “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.”

2020 has been the year of miracles, supernatural provision and supernatural protection… the year of Psalm 91 where we have taken refuge in Jesus, our secret place, our refuge and our Deliverer.

I believe that 2021 ultimately will be what we make of it, but I believe that the Lord intends for this to be the beginning of the true church’s finest hour… the raising up of the faithful remnant who have not compromised and have stood the test of time. I believe that there is going to be a changing of the guard…

For the faithful remnant church this is wonderful news… “you have believed for this day for a very long time… you have been equipped, empowered and fully anointed, so take your place, do what you do with great authority and get ready to receive land, buildings and wealth as tools to be used in a mighty worldwide great awakening!”

The day of the social seeker sensitive church that has embraced a form of godliness, but has denied the power of the Holy Ghost is over… this powerless organized religion will continue, but will be almost totally separated from the new thing that God is doing! Many ‘social’, powerless, religious people will leave their dead religion and join the remnant that the Lord is raising up… they will return to their first love and will shake off the dead counterfeit and will be set on fire for the Lord!

This emerging great awakening where the Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh will be an uprising of Spirit-filled, anointed believers and will not be a populist driven movement where things are all about the leader… instead ordinary anointed people will be raised up by the power of God. Movement leaders will be known for their servant hearts, their love, and their grace towards everybody and will be primarily focused on equipping, imparting and serving. There will be no place for ‘super star’ controlling populists who rule their people as if they were kings. Many of these ‘former populist’ leaders will repent and be raised up to lead ‘God’s way’.

For the individual believer, it is time to embrace all that you have been trained in, in the school of the Spirit, to get in faith for a mighty impartation of revelation together with great Holy Ghost power! Miracles have happened to you, now it’s time for miracles to happen through you!

Shake off all pride, shake off all personal agendas, shake off all individualism and shake off all compromise… get ready to serve, to give and to love like never before. Many of you will raise the dead in Jesus Name, open blind eyes, raise up the lame and minister freedom to those bound by addiction, those afflicted by past abuse, and those who have broken hearts.

Do not be overly concerned about the antichrist agenda, about worldly politics, or about global or national circumstances… the answer is Jesus… a worldwide awakening and the true church being raised up, that is the answer, let’s keep our focus on that! This is our time, this is our year, this is our season… let’s do this!

In His amazing love, Nick

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