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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Matthew 6:31-33 (TPT)

“So then, forsake your worries! Why would you say, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For that is what the unbelievers chase after. Doesn’t your heavenly Father already know the things your bodies require? So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from Him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.”

Bottom line… make the kingdom of God and it’s needs and agenda your priority, and everything else will be supernaturally provided in abundance! These are the words of Jesus! Another way of translating Matthew 6:33, “Prioritize the kingdom of God and the New Covenant of righteousness in Christ, and everything that you want and need will supernaturally pursue you and overtake you!”

We have prioritized the kingdom of Jesus and His agenda above all else for years now, and we have lived worry free, with all of our needs and all of our wants provided… what is more, we have lived this way in one of the most expensive places on earth.

When you make Jesus’ priority your priority in everything (money, time, people, assignments, in what you think about and where you place your focus), then Jesus takes care of the rest! It is like a company perk or benefits package… for example, when you get a job that comes with perks, (medical, dental, expense account and company car) the company gives you those things as an incentive, that way you can focus on company priorities, rather than on personal needs. In the same way, Jesus gives us the best benefits package ever… it includes everything that we will ever need, everything we desire and exceedingly above all that we have ever asked for or dreamed about! The condition is however, that we live by faith in Jesus and that we make His priorities our priorities!

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? What makes it harder than it looks is that most people have a really hard time letting go! Having total faith in the Lord and in His Word makes us vulnerable as well as dependent on the Lord, and most people do not like to be dependent or vulnerable! Letting go and fully trusting anyone or anything other than ourselves takes crucifying our flesh!

Most believers like to pay their bills first, and then give if there is any left… they like to prioritize what they want, and then if there is time left, or if they are not too tired… then maybe pray, study the Word, worship, minister to others, or go to church. These believers also spend a lot of time worrying, toiling, stressing and striving, just to keep their heads above water… unfortunately I know many, many people like that, and I have given up trying to persuade them otherwise.

If you happen to be one of ‘those people’… you are probably unpersuadable! The only way that you will ever embrace what I am talking about is by the Lord giving you a supernatural revelation on Mathew 6:19-33… I encourage you to seek that revelation from Jesus with all of your heart!

My only ‘cares’ in this life are the cares of Jesus’ kingdom… that is what I pray about, that is what I think about, that is where I spend my time, and that is where I use my faith for finances… these ‘kingdom cares’ are easy and they are light! Everything concerning Jesus’ kingdom comes supernaturally and everything is done in Jesus Name by His power and by His anointing… ‘continual sweatless victory’!

I encourage you to print, or to save this teaching and to meditate upon it… the revelation in it has the power to change your life as you know it… it has forever changed my life and the lives of many who share the same liberating revelation from Jesus!

Live worry and stress free with me in 2021, in Jesus Name!

In His amazing love, Nick
