
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Daniel 6:10 (NLT)

“….He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God.”

Friends, God has called us to live lives of worship. We are not to limit worship to just our Sunday worship experience in church… God has called us to worship Him daily. The Word says that Daniel worshipped the Lord as he ‘always’ had done. Daniel’s worship was his lifestyle… Daniel was a committed worshipper, and he worshipped the Lord regardless of the law!

Daniel experienced an unprecedented miracle when he refused to stop worshipping as he always did, just because it became illegal… thousands of years later people still talk about ‘Daniel in the Lion’s den.’ That was just one of the continual supernatural miracles that transpired during Daniel’s entire life.

The book of John 4:23, talks about the time that is coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. I believe miracles in our lives happen when we make time and take time to worship our almighty God.

I believe that you will see continual unprecedented miracles as you put God first in your daily life and spend time in worship. Not only will you get everything done every day that you plan to get done… you will walk in another level of favor and blessing.

Worship brings you into a place of being able to receive all that He has for you because you are fine-tuned to His voice, so following and obeying Him just becomes easier - worship brings you into that place where you and God are in sweet communion.

I had a sweet miracle today. Yesterday I had gone to the bank to deposit a check. By the end of the work day I noticed, I had deposited the check into the wrong account. I called the bank and told them what had happened. I was planning to have to get up and go straight into the bank today to sort out my mistake. I felt to take time to read my bible and worship the Lord before I left home to go run this errand. To my surprise the bank called me and told me they had picked up on my mistake and that they would, ‘this one time’ move the check to the correct account without me having to come in and see them. I was so blessed and so excited. I immediately worshipped the Lord and gave Him thanks.

Had I not made time to worship Him, I would have rushed off to the bank and missed out on watching the Lord perform this miracle without my having to leave my house. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Take time to worship Him today and every day. Be a John 4:23 worshipper – amen.

Blessings on you, Esther

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