
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Luke 3:5-6 (TPT)

Every dark way must be brought to the light. Wrongs righted. Injustices removed. Every heart of pride will be humbled low before Him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth so that everyone everywhere will be ready to see the Life of God!”

Ephesians 5:11 (NLT) says, “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.”

We were fellowshipping with friends yesterday afternoon and they shared how that they prayed and asked the Lord to expose and remove an evil person who was influencing our Governor. The person got exposed and is now in the process of being removed.

Even though we walk in love towards all people and we continue to pray that all people would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, some people are committed to evil deeds that hurt many people and they must be exposed and removed from their place of influence. Every dark way must be brought to the light, wrongs righted and injustices removed, in Jesus Name!

If you see evil in operation that is causing hurt, expose it through your prayers of authority, in Jesus Name!

There are many evil people who are doing the work of the devil in our nation, they themselves are deceived and are spreading their deception and influencing leaders to become a part of the antichrist agenda for these last days. We need to pray, and spiritually shine light upon them so that they will be exposed and so that their deeds may be brought into the light.

Do not just sit around and complain, use your authority as a king and a priest in Christ, in Jesus Name – turn on the lights and as you do, every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth so that everyone everywhere will be ready to see the Life of God!

Blessings on you, Nick

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