Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 4:23 (AMPC)

Be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].

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Attitudes and emotions go hand in hand – the good news is that our attitudes as well as our emotions can be renewed. Ephesians 4:24 goes on to say, “And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.”

As we renew our attitudes and our emotional reactions to things, that is when the new nature kicks in and that is when we begin to walk in newness of life. Many times our attitudes and our emotional reactions to things are the last part of the old man to go – we are saved, our minds are in a process of renewal, we are growing spiritually, but, our emotional, flesh reactions to unexpected challenges can seem to derail the spiritual progress that we thought that we had made.

Before we know it, a fleshly attitude kicks in, fleshly emotions dominate, and then words and actions we thought were no longer a part of who we have become seem to take over – afterwards, condemnation grabs you by the throat and tries to undo all that the Lord has done in a moment.

The bible says that the implanted Word has the power to save your soul (James 1:21) – your soul is made up of your mind, your will, your emotions and your attitude. As the living Word is PLANTED into us through scriptural meditation, confession of the Word and hearing the anointed preaching and teaching of the Word, the Word becomes PLANTED on the inside of us – that implanted Word has the POWER to save, to transform and to prosper your attitudes and your emotional reactions to things.

Be patient with yourself and keep making room for the Word to be planted, deep on the inside of you – as you do this consistently, your attitudes and your emotions will be transformed – instead of inappropriate outbursts of the flesh and fleshly attitudes dominating, peace, joy, faith and love will bubble forth together with patience, gentleness and grace. Be patient and keep planting that living Word, the POWER of the implanted Word will prosper, transform and renew you from the inside out!

Blessings on you, Nick

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