Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Jeremiah 20:11 (NLT)

But the LORD stands beside me like a great warrior. Before Him my persecutors will stumble. They cannot defeat me.

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The King James translation starts this verse off saying, “The Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one”. Let His words be amplified in your Spirit man today… ‘the mighty terrible one, the great warrior is with you’ - there’s nothing to fear or be concerned about - The Lord is with me, and He is with you – He is our friend, but to the devil and the powers of darkness, He is the Mighty terrible One to be greatly feared!

Jeremiah the prophet spoke these words so many years ago, prophesying the indwelling of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives, now we can boldly declare, “He is with me.” Be reminded today ‘the Lord is with you.’

As Paul so wonderfully reminds us in Romans 8:38-29, Nothing can separate us from Him and from His love for us. Our God, our King, our Savior, the sweet precious Holy Spirit is with us, His love surrounds us and He is mighty in our lives. He is our great warrior.

Jesus defeated our enemies on the cross 2000 years ago, so that today, we would walk in His victory. He knew what we would be facing in today’s world but He gave us His Word to stand on, He gave us His victory the day He rose from the dead. His resurrection power, is now living on the inside of you and I and is operating in our lives.

Against all odds, we win because our Lord is with us, standing beside us in our daily conquest. His thoughts are your and my thoughts, His ways are our ways, His sweet, inspiring whisper is leading us, charging us with His power and imparting Faith to us, because “Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world”. He is with you, He is for you, He is in you.

Pray this prayer with me today

“Father I thank You for Your Presence in my life. Thank You, mighty warrior, You are with me. Lord You surround me with Your love, Your peace, and Your mighty power. I declare today, You are with me. You are for me, You are living inside of me. Because of You Jesus, I am undefeatable.”

Blessings on you, Esther

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