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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 15:13 (TPT)

Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!

The Lord wants us OVERFLOWING with uncontainable joy, perfect peace, hope and loving words of inspiration as we walk in faith and as we trust Him.

There are two ways to overflow… a glass overflows when it continues to be filled beyond its capacity, and it also overflows when it is bumped, dropped, or shaken. You are a vessel, and just like a glass, you also overflow when you are filled beyond capacity and when you are bumped, dropped or shaken – the question is… when you overflow, what comes out of you?

Jesus answers that question in Matthew 12:34 (TPT) “For what has been stored up in your hearts will be heard in the overflow of your words!”

Whatever has been stored up in your heart will overflow when you are bumped, shaken, or when you slip and fall. We are not able to control overflow… overflow is involuntary, it just happens… many feel condemned after an outburst of anger, after they punched something or someone, after they threw something, or after they said something bad in the midst of a flesh fit.

You cannot control you overflow, but you can control your inflow, and when you have the right inflow, your inflow will determine your overflow!

Inflow is an act of storing things up in your heart – some people continually listen to secular music, continually play video games, continually spend hours on social media and reading things on the internet – all of these things pour into them and even though they may love Jesus and may spend some time in His Word, they are filled to the brim with the worlds inflow that they have subjected themselves to…

Instead of a continual inflow of the world, continually store the Word up in your heart - when you continually store the Word in your heart, when you continually store up the anointing in your heart and when you continually store up love and grace in you heart, then when you overflow… the Word will overflow out of you, and supernatural love, grace, anointing, joy and peace will overflow out of you.

Ephesians 3:19 (TPT) says, “Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!”

When you allow the endless, extravagant love of Jesus to continue to pour into you, you will be filled with overflowing with the fullness of God… in other words, you will not only overflow when you are bumped, when you fall, or when you are dropped, you will continually overflow… your overflow of the fullness of God will be beyond your control, it will continually bubble forth from your innermost being… love, grace, joy, anointing, inspiration, compassion and words of life will continually overflow as long as you continually receive His love for you.

Take some time today and position yourself to receive an inpouring of His love… just let Jesus pour it in… say, “Jesus, pour Your extravagant love into me right now until I overflow with the fullness of God – I receive that love right now! Keep pouring Lord! Keep pouring it all day, I receive, I receive, I receive”.

Blessings on you, Nick

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