Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 127:1 (KJV)

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

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Friends, there is no need to do things in your own strength. Too many times, people strive for goals and reach for things higher than themselves but there is a place and a time to stop striving and to allow the Lord to build and to do what He is going to do.

I often see situations around me where I know it’s time to ‘let go’ and ‘let God’. Often I see people striving to build things and to make things happen but the Lord has always reminded us to not do things in our own strength, don’t try to “make things” happen. Put your faith in Him to build things in your life… the Lord is not pressured by the things that pressure us, so, instead of being pressured out, focus your faith in Jesus – yield to the Spirit and wait upon Him and rest in Him!

During this covid-19 season we had a few opportunities come our way where we had choices to make and we chose to ‘rest’ in the Lord rather than to strive in our own strength to make things happen. The greatest reward for resting in the Lord is that when the breakthrough comes and when the answer unfolds, you know it’s the Lord’s doing and you know you are in miracle territory and there’s nothing you could have done differently, except to rest in the Lord because He came through on your behalf.

Today, rest in Him, take your ‘hands off’ the situation you are dealing with - let God do it. Stop the worry, stop trying to make things happen, stop striving in your own ability. Enter His rest and begin to thank Him for His greatness and His faithfulness. Thank Him that your life is full and complete in Him and receive your New Covenant blessings that He already paid for at Calvary.

Blessings on you, Esther

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