Today’s New Covenant nugget is from James 1:19-21 (TPT)

My dearest brothers and sisters, take this to heart: Be quick to listen, but slow to speak. And be slow to become angry, for human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote God’s righteous purpose. So this is why we abandon everything morally impure and all forms of wicked conduct. Instead, with a sensitive spirit we absorb God’s Word, which has been implanted within our nature, for the Word of Life has power to continually deliver us.

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The New King James Bible says, ‘receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls.’ The implanted Word is the Word that we have absorbed into our innermost beings… that ‘planted Word’ has the power to save and to prosper you in you mind, your will and your emotions.

James 1:19-21 deals with anger leading to wicked conduct and saying things in anger that we will later regret – the secret to overcoming ‘flesh outbursts’ is not self discipline or willpower, it is the power of the Word, planted on the inside of us.

Release the power of God’s Word in you today!

“Father, I release the power of the implanted Word in me right now! I command the Word in me to grow and to take over, in Jesus Name!”

Blessings on you, Nick

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