Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 4:29-30

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

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The Lord wants everything that comes out of our mouths to edify and to impart grace! It is interesting, when we read this in context that words that do not edify and words that do not impart grace are considered corrupt words that grieve, or sadden the Holy Spirit.

A corrupt word is a word that brings death – our words need to be filled with life, they need to build up the person, or people we are talking to and they need to impart the grace and unmerited favor of the Lord… that brings joy to and blesses the Holy Spirit. This New Covenant command is unconditional and needs to be practiced towards family, friends, enemies and all people that we speak to.

Some people are constantly snapping at each other and their words are filled with impatience, irritation, condemnation and judgment – they justify their words by the actions or attitudes or even the words spoken by others towards them – yes, sometimes some people deserve to be straightened out or get a ‘word slap’… however, the Lord does not tell us to give people what they deserve, He tells us to speak life, to edify and to speak words of grace.

When you speak life, when you speak words that edify and build, and when you speak words of grace to undeserving people, you please the Holy Spirit and then He releases His yoke destroying anointing onto the hearer of your words and onto the situation that you are facing.

Do not let your words be circumstance driven, let them be Spirit driven words of life, edification and grace! Do this for just one day and watch your world change! Do this for a lifetime and watch the whole world change!

Blessings on you, Nick

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