Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 6:15

Having covered your feet (having strapped on protective foot armor) with the preparation of the gospel of peace…

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When we take the time to study, to pray and to prepare for ministry, something powerful is imparted to us! Taking time to wait upon the Lord in preparation to minister the ‘Good News’ of the Gospel changes you, before it changes the recipients of your ministry. The anointing on your time of preparation and getting ready to deliver the gospel of peace brings protection to your daily walk against the snares and landmines set by the devil.

Taking time to prepare, so that you can bless others with ministry is a very unselfish act of serving. Waiting on the Lord, so that you will be ready to bring His message of love, of peace, of grace and of restoration to people in need is very dear to the heart of the Lord… presenting the New Covenant with excellence so that lives can be impacted is part of the work of a king and a priest in Christ.

Preparation time includes study, research, prayer, intercession and taking the time to wait upon the Lord and listen for the precise leading of the Spirit… whether you are a singer or a musician bringing the gospel in song, whether you are preparing to minister to one person, or to thousands, whether you are writing something for social media, or whether you are preparing for an outreach to the homeless… as you take the time to get ready, as you take the time to wait upon the Lord, your walk gets supernaturally covered with anointed Holy Ghost armor – As you walk with your feet covered, the snares of the devil are crushed by your feet, the landmines are crushed and rendered ineffective, and your path is paved and made straight before you!

Take time each day to prepare and to get ready to deliver the Word, to deliver the gospel and to be a minister and a witness of His goodness and peace! As you do, you will not trip, you will not fall and your feet will not be pierced, in Jesus Name, NOTHING shall by any means harm you!

Blessings on you, Nick

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