Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 6:14

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness…

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Knowing that you are 100% righteous in Christ as a believer because of what Jesus did for you is paramount – knowing that your righteousness has everything to do with what Jesus did and nothing to do with what you do, other than having faith in Jesus – knowing that your righteousness is an unearned gift of grace – knowing that righteousness gives you access and favor to all that the Father has and to all of His power… knowing these things and walking in them will be a breastplate of protection against every attack of the devil!

Our righteousness in Christ qualifies us for all that the Father has… righteousness qualifies you, in spite of your own shortcomings – there is unlimited, undeserved favor in righteousness, there is supernatural ability in righteousness, there is power in righteousness, there is authority in righteousness and there is a anointing on righteousness that both destroys the work of the devil and promotes the work of God.

As long as you are in Christ, you are righteous! The Holy Spirit will correct and discipline sin in your life through the Word, but you do not lose your righteousness in the process. The bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16, that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness… ‘reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness’, so, the reproof, the correction, the discipline and the instruction by the Word is for those who remain ‘in righteousness’.

The devil attempts to deceive believers that they lose favor and righteousness with the Lord and that He is disappointed in them when they fail… this is deception and is not the TRUTH according to our covenant in Christ. You can never disappoint the Father as long as you are in Christ… you never lose favor or righteousness as a believer in Christ… you will be corrected by the Holy Spirit, through the Word, but you will be corrected and disciplined ‘in righteousness’.

Wear your righteousness with dignity today, it is a free gift from Jesus to you - free for you, but very expensive to Him!

Blessings on you, Nick

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