
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 6:14 (TPT)

Don’t continue to team up with unbelievers in mismatched alliances, for what partnership is there between righteousness and rebellion? Who could mingle light with darkness?

Halloween is a pagan festival and is a satanic practice… do not expose your children to this! Many Americans do not believe in witchcraft, the devil, or the occult, but I assure you that it is real… even in America. The bible says not to give place to the devil!

The celebration of the pagan festival of ‘Halloween’ is now a multibillion-dollar merchandiser's market. This is always a difficult time for some Christians, especially those with children who face peer pressure to join in. I assure you that however ‘innocent’ a person’s intent, Halloween isn’t about candy and costumes… it is a very dangerous time, since many of the seemingly ‘harmless’ involvements associated with Halloween are also "entries" for the occult, and can prove very tragic for the uninformed.

You may say, “I am just dressing up and having fun, I am not participating in an occultic ritual or festival” – the Bible says that the devil comes as an angel of light… this means that many seemingly innocent practices are not really innocent at all. Others say, “I am under the blood of Jesus, I will be protected… I am under grace, the devil cannot harm me” – living in the New Covenant does not give the believer ‘license’ to give place to the devil without serious consequences.

All false religion and idolatry is by definition involved in demon worship - whether or not the participants recognize it. The Bible tells us to shun occultic practices. (1 Peter 3:10-11)

While millions of people celebrate Halloween on October 31st without knowing its origins and myths, Halloween dates back about 2000 years to the pagan Celts, Indo-European tribes who lived across the western parts of Europe. The Celtic people used to wear special costumes and offer sacrifices such as animals or even humans via their Druids, (native priests).

Around October 31st they believed that in the flames which consumed the unlucky victims, they would be able to see their future and be informed on the right path to following life. Food was also presented to pacify the spirits of the dead as they passed on to the netherworld. Offerings to the spirits had to be of the highest possible quality as not to anger the ghouls. The modern tradition of trick-or-treating has evolved from this act of serving food.

It was intended to Christianize the pagan Celts and through the years it succeeded. The conversion, however, did not mean losing the occult tradition. In fact, Halloween today is not much different from Halloween thousands of years ago. These days, costumes of evil hideous creatures, skeletons and ghosts are worn by people taking part in Halloween. Skeletons were considered to be the house of the soul by the Celtic people.

“Don’t continue to team up with unbelievers in mismatched alliances, for what partnership is there between righteousness and rebellion? Who could mingle light with darkness”. Flee from the very appearance of evil and just say, “Hell-no” to ‘Hell-oween’, in Jesus Name!

Blessings on you, Nick
