
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Jeremiah 20:9 (NLT)

But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in His Name, His Word burns in my heart like a fire.It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in!I can’t do it!

Staying on fire for God is the most important thing in Life…

Your relationship with the Lord, having His life on the inside of you and having the fire of the Holy Ghost shut up in your bones is the key to everything that is important. If you are not experiencing revival on the inside of you daily then nothing else will have lasting meaning. The fire of God turns a black and white one-dimensional world into a three dimensional technicolor reality. 

A key to staying on fire for God is to participate in worship services at your local church. When the body of Christ gets together physically, there is a great impartation of the power of God together with the fire of God!

The Word of God - the presence of the Holy Ghost– experiencing God and drinking from His living water creates ‘fire’ on the inside of us. That fire ignites passion, ignites pleasure and gives life meaning.

Paul said to Timothy, “stir up the fire and rekindle the flame” – you have to stir yourself up in the Lord – you have to seek him with all of your heart – you have to drink from His living waters – you have to keep at it with a determined focus.

If there is any way for you to make it to Amazing Love Church, or a fiery, spirit filled church today, please pray about going, and when you get there, let Jesus baptist you anew with the Holy Ghost and fire!

Blessings on you, Nick
