
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 12:10 (TPT)

I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted! For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatment—when I’m surrounded with troubles on every side and face persecution because of my love for Christ—I am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power.

If only…

“If only I was better looking, if only I was smarter, if only I wasn’t in a wheelchair, if only I was more charismatic, if only I was richer, if only I was a part of a big family… if only!”

Many people don’t go as far as actually saying it, but in the back of their minds they feel that if only they were somehow better, then their world would be so much better.

The truth is that in the New Covenant, even your weakness is a blessing – what’s more, what many believers consider weakness is actually uniqueness, and your uniqueness is advantageous, it’s not a limitation, it’s an asset!

You have been designed to thrive as you, not as anybody else. Naturally speaking, I am an introvert, I am not a natural charismatic Mr. personality, I am not a natural leader… I would rather sit in the back and make sure that everybody is taken care of, than be in the front, leading the meeting… and according to the leadership books, I am a much better follower than a leader.

Having said that, God has called me to be a leader, a pastor, a mentor, a public speaker, a prophet and a teacher. The world would call me naturally weak in all of those areas and not naturally pre-disposed to do what I am doing… the truth is that God made me for this… I am supernaturally pre-disposed to do what I am doing… my nature is my uniqueness, and in Christ, my uniqueness is a strong asset.

David was the least qualified to be king among his brothers, he was a short, ruddy, shepherd boy, and his uniqueness was not seen as an asset by others, yet God made him to be the greatest king who ever reigned in Israel. When nobody saw David in the light of who God made him to be, God saw it, and He sent a prophet to let David know who he was and what he was capable of… that he was unique, that he was made by design to be a great leader.

Today the Lord is sending a prophet to you, and as the Lord’s prophet, I have a message for you! You are a diamond, you are unique, you are valuable and you are uniquely gifted just as you are!

See the diamond in yourself, and then shine the way God made you to shine! You have been fearfully and wonderfully made for such a time as this!

Blessings on you, Nick
