
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Matthew 9:2 (AMP)

They brought to Him a man who was paralyzed, lying on a stretcher. Seeing their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], Jesus said to the paralytic, “Do not be afraid, son; your sins are forgiven [the penalty is paid, the guilt removed, and you are declared to be in right standing with God].”

There is active faith and then there is passive faith… passive faith believes the promises of God, but does not actively do what it takes to receive them. Active faith engages… active faith pursues, expects, participates and ‘lays hold’ of what has been given in the New Covenant!

There is a difference between ‘resting faith’ and passive faith… resting faith is fully engaged while resting in the faithfulness of God, it is not fearful or anxious, but at peace – passive faith is the opposite of resting faith in that it is not engaged or involved and is not participating as the Spirit leads.

Many people passively say, “God’s got this… it’s going to be ok… we will get through this… God will provide…” – many even passively quote scripture, “all things work for the good… the Lord gives and the Lord takes…” – passive faith is disengaged, passive faith is dead while active faith is alive!

The Lord wants you at rest in His promises, but He also wants you to be wholeheartedly engaged! Do not just quote a scripture, think about it, and then DECLARE it with your whole heart, expecting to receive! Sometimes we need to stir ourselves up in the Word – we need to light a fire on the inside of us and we need to shake off passivity!

Activate your faith today, stir up your passion, be engaged as you stand upon the Word, be vigorous and wholehearted as you pursue His best for your life, in Jesus Name!

Blessings on you, Nick
