Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Chronicles 7:14

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

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No matter what country that you are in, your land needs healing…

The devil is devouring more and more people as the world becomes more and more secularized… hurting, restless people are protesting, marching and carrying signs as a cry for help – they are afraid, angry and confused – we may not agree with what that they are protesting about, but I believe that it is time to look beyond their faults, and to see their needs!

Division and divisiveness is greater than ever before, disagreements have escalated to hatred for one another… people are beginning to despise anyone that they disagree with and our world is on the brink of total chaos. Uprisings and the unrest in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Chile, Catalonia, Venezuela and Paraguay… protests and demonstrations across Africa, across Europe, America including almost every nation are becoming commonplace – on top of all of this, war and threats of war and revenge is at an all time high… to say that our world is in a serious condition is an understatement.

I pray for all politicians, but I do not believe that politics is the answer, prayer is the only answer! We need another global Jesus awakening – Jesus is the only One Who can bring healing to this devastated world!

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. The Lord’s people, who are called by His Name are Christians – believers were first called Christians at Antioch because they carried the same anointing as Jesus Christ.

According to the Word, if we as ‘Christians’ will humble themselves, and pray and seek Jesus’ face, turn from our wicked ways… then the Lord will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and heal the land.

Let’s break this down… as believers, we are in Christ, and as the righteousness of God in Christ, sin no longer has any dominion over us because of His grace (Romans 6:14 and 2 Corinthians 5:21) – this deals with the ‘sin’ issue.

To humble yourself as a believer is to place all of your trust in the finished work of Jesus – to humble yourself is to receive His grace. To humble yourself is to have faith and to operate in faith according to Mark 11:22-24… using faith to speak to things and to command them to be as we say that they are, according to the Word, in Jesus Name.

As we as righteous believers in Christ pray in faith, the LORD will heal our world! As we as righteous believers pray the Word over our world, the Holy Spirit will move, people will get saved, devils of hatred and devouring spirits of division will be bound and healing will come.

be blessed, Nick

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