
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Matthew 12:37

For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

The Greek word for justified is ‘dikaióō’- It literally means to be established, or to be just as you aught to be. Your words ‘establish’ your reality. When you SAY something, you establish it as a reality in your life!

If you say, “I am so sick”, then you are so sick… If you say, “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus”, then you are. If you say, “I can’t take this any longer”, then you can’t take it any longer… if you say, “I can do all things for as long as it takes through the power of Christ Jesus”, then you can do all things for as long as it takes!

Death and life is in the power of the tongue!

Join us today at Amazing Love for a powerful service… my message today in on ‘The Anointing’. The anointing is a powerful New Covenant gift from Jesus… the Anointed One. Jesus did every miracle that he did by the anointing… come and receive an impartation as well as revelation knowledge on the anointing.

If you cannot make our ‘in person’ service, please join us for our live-stream… see you i’m person, or on line!

In His amazing love, Nick
