Today’s devotion is from John 17:17

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.


As we walk in the truth of the Word, the Word sanctifies us, makes us Holy and sets us apart…

The devil does not want us to know the Word, he does not want us to have revelation knowledge of the truth and he certainly does not want us living according to it. Many believers have been convinced that the Word is less than absolute truth – they see it as a book that contains some truth, a book that has great examples in it on how to live and a book that contains wisdom for living – yes, the Word has all of that in it, but it is far above that – the Word is TRUTH – absolute, unchangeable, undiluted truth!

The Word ‘sanctify’ means to be set apart – so, those who take the Word literally, who believe it, are fully convinced by it and step out on it are ‘set apart’ from everybody else. Those who receive it is the absolute will of God and then do what it says by faith are the one who see great miracles and do great exploits.

There are many who read the Word, apply some of it in their lives and receive aspects of truth from the stories in the bible – many even allow themselves to be mentored by the characters in the bible – many use the bible as a success manual and teach the principles in the bible… here is the trap – you can do all of that and still miss it! You see, many books are full of wisdom… they teach success principles - they contain inspirational stories from great men and woman, but they are not the Word of God and they are not fully, absolute, finite truth!

We had Terry Mize as a guest at our church this weekend and he held the whole church spellbound as he shared story after story and testimony after testimony of huge miracles… raising the dead, breaking a drought over a nation, ending the career of an evil president in a nation, ending a plague in a deadly island nation and many more inspirational stories that give glory to God and demonstrate the authority of a believer – as he shared the bold statements of faith that he made in the face of impossible situations, I thought to myself, “he really believes the Word… he really takes the Word literally… he really is absolutely convinced!” – You see, that is the key… that is the difference between Terry Mize and so many other ministers of the Gospel… that is what ‘sets him apart’ – Terry Mize is absolutely fully convinced that the Word is truth, and that everything in the Word according to the New Covenant is literally for every believer who will accept it as the final authority concerning EVERYTHING!

Read your bible again - read the words of Jesus again - read the New Covenant according to the epistle’s again - read the book of acts again - study the entire New Covenant again - only, this time, say…

“This is for me – I am who the Word says that I am - I can do what the Word says I can do - I can be who the Word says I can be - Christ in me can do all things - I have power over all of the work of the enemy, I have absolute POWER over ALL the Work of the enemy – nothing shall by any means harm me – I have power to raise the dead – I have power to heal the sick – I have power to do the works of Jesus – I have total authority over all of the works of His hands in Jesus Name! – the power and the authority of the creator of all things is on the inside of me – when I speak by faith, I ALWAYS have what I say – As I speak the Word, the Father ALWAYS watches over it to perform it – The Father loves it when I expect Him to ALWAYS perform His EVERY Word! – I always expect the Father to bring to pass every word that I speak according to His Word – God is not a man that He should lie – His Word is literal, His Word is truth and His Word is final!”

As you meditate on the Word, I challenge each and every one of you to make this confession every day for the next thirty days, and watch what happens!

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