Today’s devotion is from 1 Corinthians 12:31

Earnestly desire the best gifts.

The Holy Spirit has several gifts for you and He loves it when you use your faith to receive them…

The gifts of the Spirit are wrapped in the love and grace of Jesus - they are there for each believer to use and enjoy - they equip us for our life assignments in the kingdom of God. Desiring the best gifts and using your faith to receive them pleases the Lord! 

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What are the best gifts?

The best gifts are the one’s that you need for your life, your calling and for your divine assignments – in other words, the best gifts are the one’s you need. Scriptural desire is far more than just wishing for something or hoping for something, scriptural, New Covenant desires are planted in our hearts by the Lord and are given together with the grace and the faith to receive them – in other words, desires are given together with grace and faith as a package deal.  

Trust your desires…

As believers we are not drawn into or influenced by the lusts of our flesh, but we should allow our God given, Holy Ghost imparted desires to influence us – we should never suppress a God given desire but instead use the grace and faith given to us to receive those desires and to walk in them!

How do I know the difference between a fleshly lust or desire and a God given, Holy Ghost implanted desire?

The one is self-centered and self-serving and the other is kingdom-centered and about serving others – the one comes as an obsession, while the other comes with compassion – the one is pressure-filled while the other is filled with peace and joy – the one is focused on your works to achievewhile the other is focused on the anointing, grace and faith to receive.

Desire the best gifts today; use your faith to receive them, in Jesus Name! They will equip you, they will put divine super on your natural and they will enable you do continue the works of Jesus to a lost and dying world!    

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