Today’s devotion is from 2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.


Friend, the Lord wants you blessed, He wants you blessed in your coming in, and blessed in your going out! Jesus gave His life so that you could have life and have it more abundantly!

The Lord loves it when we position ourselves to be blessed – desiring personal blessing is not selfish, it is humility to allow the Lord to bless you and to receive blessings.

I remember when the Lord wanted to bless me with my truck… I went into the dealership asking for a reliable, cheap vehicle. By the grace of God, I met the owner of the dealership – he asked, “what kind of vehicle do you want?” I said, “a cheap, reliable used one.” He asked again, “What kind of a vehicle do you really want?” I answered, I would really like a brand new candy apple red F150 double cab Lariat with beige leather seats and all the bells and whistles, but now, can we please talk about what I can afford?”  

What I did not know is that the Lord had already moved the owner of the dealership’s heart to bless me – I was depending upon my own ability and besides that, I thought that it would bless the Lord for me to show my humility by settling for a good, cheap used vehicle. 

The owner walked me right up to a truck that matched my exact description and said, “is this the one you are talking about?” He ended up selling me the truck at his cost price and giving me much more for my trade in than what it was worth. God wanted to bless me, and it pleased Him for me to receive it. I still have my beautiful truck with a special plate, ‘FUN’. 

For you, your blessing may be going out for a meal, watching a movie, taking a day to go play, getting a new pair of shoes… or maybe, it is time for a new car – whatever it is, be blessed! 

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