Today’s devotion is from John 12:24 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 

Friends, as I was reading this verse about the corn of wheat falling to the ground and dying, the Holy Spirit showed me that when the corn fell to the ground, the wheat plant had to let go so the corn could fall. There is a maturing and aging process in the plant system – designed by the Lord. In that same manner, we have to let go of our own beliefs, ideals, goals and achievements and dreams, and allow ourselves to become sold out to Jesus.


As we let go of fleshly things, by surrendering to the Holy Spirit, we instantly lay hold of spiritual things - we set our eyes on Jesus and the path of life He has called us to in Him - a path of peace, victory and joy in Him. He has readily made everything available to us. His plan for our lives is higher than what we could ever dream of.  

As we yield to Him, surrender ourselves to His plan, receive what Jesus did on the cross for us, lay hold of His promises and begin to follow the Holy Spirit, we will see that following Jesus produces the most beautiful fruit in our lives. Your life will go from a ‘desert life’ - a life without peace and joy, to a life that will be like a garden… a life full of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit - a life of fullness. Now, let go and trust His voice and His leading today. Step into His fullness – it’s His free gift to you through Jesus Christ.

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