Today’s devotion is from Romans 10:8

“The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” - that is, the word of faith which we preach. 

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Preach the word of faith…

The ‘word of faith’ is the opposite of the word of doubt, unbelief, pressure and negativity – the word of faith trusts, encourages, builds, motivates, encourages and is positive and life giving. Many people teach the bible in such a way that it brings pressure, negativity, doubt and fear – that is not the word of faith, which leads to blessings and breakthrough in Christ! Not everything that is preached today is the word of faith – even if it is in the bible, if it is not the word of faith, I advise you to stay clear of it!  

Preaching the word of faith is speaking faith according to the Word under the anointing. When the Word of God is declared under the anointing and in faith, it produces blessings, miracles, signs and wonders. 

The word of faith is life giving – words that bring fear, doubt, pressure and unbelief and words that focus on your works rather than on the works of Jesus only bring death!

Even if a preacher preaches on Hell, it should produce faith, life, joy, peace, hope and excitement! When a message is being preached, a true message from the Lord will always build your faith – no exceptions! Gloom and doom, works orientated, legalistic preachers may be saved themselves, but he did not get the message from Jesus to preach the good news. Pray for them to get a revelation of the goodness of God and the New Covenant of grace in Christ! 

Preaching the word of faith is not just for professional preachers…

Every one of us has a mandate to preach the Word of faith! Speak words of life and faith under the anointing wherever you go! Preach the word of faith to your friends, your family, your co-workers, on social media, in supermarkets, to your neighbors, to your spouse, to yourself and wherever you go!

Romans 10:9 goes on to say, ‘If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.’ As a person confesses, or preaches the word of faith (referred to here as the Lord Jesus – Who is the living Word of faith), that person will be saved – the Greek word for saved is ‘sozo’ (healed, prospered, delivered, protected, preserved and blessed with every blessing) 

The fruit of preaching the word of faith is miracles, signs, wonders, healing, provision and blessings – all of these things will follow you as you declare, preach and proclaim the word of faith in Christ Jesus!