Today’s devotion is from Isaiah 54:17 (AMP)

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord.


When you get lied about, when people say negative things about you and when you get falsely accused -the negative, judgmental words spoken of in Isaiah 54:17 cannot stick because of our New Covenant of grace, sealed by the blood of Jesus! 

Hebrews 4:16 says that whenever you are in trouble, whenever you need grace or mercy, whenever you are falsely accused, to boldly run to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in your time of need. The Lord’s throneroom is also a courtroom. That is where we go to worship, and that is where we run to with BOLDNESS when we get in trouble when we get falsely accused or when weapons of judging negative words are spoken against us. Even though the devil is the accuser, the Holy Spirit and Jesus are our defense attorney’s. 

We receive two things in this heavenly courtroom…

Firstly, we receive MERCY. Mercy is when you do not get what you do deserve.

Jesus paid the price for all of our sins, so when the devil accuses us legitimately of things we have done wrong, the Holy Spirit and Jesus provide evidence that the fine for our transgression has already been submitted, possessed and paid for. So as we face the Judge, [Our Heavenly father] the verdict gets read, “In the case of the Kingdom of darkness verses [add your name in here] the fine has been paid, the verdict is NOT GUILTY and the case is dismissed, case closed.”

Secondly we receive GRACE. Grace is when you get what you do not deserve….

Instead of receiving the penalty of the devil’s accusations, in Christ the words, the accusations and the lies get turned around in your favor and the very thing meant to destroy you, now promotes you!

We never have to go back, dig up old bones and deal with the people who were used by the devil to speak evil words against us. We just continue to walk in love toward them. Those people are not the source anyway! [Our struggle is not against flesh and blood] If they ever apologize or bring up the things they did or said in the future, just say, “It’s under the blood, I forgave you the same day I broke the power of those words at the throne of Grace in the courtroom of Heaven. I have been praying for you and speaking blessing on you since that day!”

As spirit beings, we can sense when words of death are being spoken over us, people may smile to our face, but slander us behind our back as soon as we leave the room… It happens all the time, and as spirit beings, we feel it and we can discern it… So as I become aware that a weapon has just discharged words of death over me, I run to the throneroom and deal with it immediately and strongly, that way I walk free all the time.

When you walk away from the throne of grace, you walk away as more than a conqueror, blessed, full of energy, hope, faith, love and excitement! No weapon formed against you shall prosper!