Today’s devotion is from John 1:16

And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.

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Jesus is not only grace personified, He is an IMPARTER of grace. We need an impartation of grace, so that we can impart grace to others… we need ‘grace for grace’. It’s one thing to receive grace, but it is a whole different thing togive grace to others. Some translations translate this verse as grace ‘upon’ grace, but the literal translation from the Greek word ‘ἀντί’ is ‘for’ or ‘for the cause of’. Grace for grace…

Before we can give grace to others, we have to receive it for ourselves [freely you have received, freely give]

Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:29 not to let any corrupt word proceed out of our mouths, but instead, what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.That’s easy to say, but in order to be able to do that, we need ‘GRACE FOR GRACE.’

Grace is ‘undeserved’ favor, ‘undeserved’ power, ‘undeserved’ love, mercy and blessing… notice the emphasis on ‘undeserved’?

It is one thing to receive an undeserved blessing, but when it comes to people in your life that do not deserve a blessing… people who deserve to be put in their place, people who deserve a piece of your mind, people who have done mean unloving, hateful things to you or said slanderous things about you; we have to have grace for grace because without grace for grace, loving the unlovely would be impossible! Thank God for an unlimited supply of grace for grace through Christ! 


Thank you Jesus that when I received you as Lord and Savior, I received GRACE into my heart.

I receive Your grace for me, but I also receive an impartation of GRACE for GRACE toward others, NOW, in Jesus Name!

I receive supernatural ability to impart grace to those around me, grace to my family, grace to my friends, grace to the people in my church and grace to my enemies, in Jesus Name!

I declare by faith, “I have You Jesus, therefore I have an unlimited supply of grace, because You are grace”.I declare, “Rivers of grace flow out of me continually as I continue to receive GRACE for GRACE from your throneroom of Grace.”