
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 119:114

"You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your Word" 

The Word of God produces HOPE and faith… Faith is the evidence of things HOPED for, so without HOPE there can be no faith. If the enemy can steal our HOPE, then he steals our faith at the same time.

The Hebrew word translated as ‘hope’ is ‘yâchal’, literally meaning ‘tarrying till hope comes’… so what David was saying is, “I will tarry in your Word and meditate upon it until HOPE comes”.

The anointing on the Word generates HOPE, and faith… faith is evidence that hope is alive, so as you meditate upon the Word, when you sense faith bubbling up in your soul… the faith that you feel is actually evidence that HOPE has been restored!   

 After David went through all of the rejection, opposition and unwarranted personal attacks, I am sure that at times he must have lost hope to some degree, but he recognized that if he was to stay in a state of hopelessness, that every promise from the Lord to him could be compromised… so, in the midst of his struggle, David emerged himself in the Word, until he could declare by faith, “You [Lord] are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your Word.” He tarried in the Word until HOPE and faith arose!

Lasting, unshakable hope comes from the Word. It comes from meditating on the Word rather than meditating on circumstances, it comes from putting your trust in the Word, rather than putting your trust in man, and it comes from speaking and declaring what the Word says until faith and hope arises in your soul.

As we stand upon the Word, our hope will get restored through the Word, and then like David we will be able to say, “Lord, I hope in Your Word”. Keep HOPE alive – Selah!

In His amazing love, Nick
