Today’s devotion is from Ephesians 5:17,18

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. 


The Lord has equipped us through His Holy Spirit to be wise, full of understanding and to know the will of God.The fullness of the Holy Spirit brings you to a place of being able to enter His rest and receive His supernatural impartation into your Spirit man.

When you are going through a challenge in your personal life, you have the Holy Spirit to lean on. 

I was facing a situation today in my business and had to make a decision on a business deal. I was weighing out the pro’s and con’s on my response choices and then I called on the Holy Spirit to help me. I thanked the Holy Spirit for directing me, for giving me wisdom and for leading me in my choices. Almost instantly, ‘wisdom thoughts’ dropped into my spirit man and I began to see the plan of action that I needed to take unfold before me in my thought process. I got so excited. The Lord immediately answered my prayer and I was able to pick up the phone and correctly and wisely advise my client on the business deal. I was so excited because the Lord answered my prayer. I did not need to lean on my own understanding but the Holy Spirit directed my thinking with wisdom from above.

Sometimes, we just need to sit back and say, “Holy Spirit come  - come lead me, come guide me, come minster your wisdom to me… and begin to pray this prayer… 

“Father I thank You now for Your wisdom imparted to me. Thank You Holy Spirit for  decisions and directions that will come to me now, and that they will flow out from my spirit man. I will not make decisions from my flesh nature… I thank You Lord for flooding my spirit with Your thoughts, Your plans and Your wisdom. Thank You Holy Spirit for ministering to me, thank You Holy Spirit for guiding me, for walking me through to victory now in Jesus’ Name.”

By Faith today, receive and lay hold of what the Holy Spirit has in store for you. As and ye shall receive, believe and lay hold of His promises to and for you, in Jesus Mighty Name.