Today’s devotion is from Acts 14:3 (NKJV)

Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, Who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

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We are living in the dispensation of the New Covenant of grace and when we preach the New Covenant the Lord bears witness to our preaching, granting signs, wonders and miracles.

The Passion Translation says, ‘Many trusted in the Lord, for He backed up His messageof gracewith miracles, signs, and wonders performed by the apostles.’ 

Many take some of the Old Covenant, some of the New Covenant and then come up with their own covenant. That is like trying to use a 1948 Ford operators manual for a 2019 Tesla… 

Studying the Old Covenant in the light of the New Covenant is wonderful, but trying to live under the Law, or mixing it with the New Covenant is error.

The word of His grace is all about Jesus, the person of grace and what He established on the cross of Calvary – how we have been save by grace through faith, not of work, lest any man should boast - how we have been made acceptable in the beloved – how we have been freely given all things pertaining to life and godliness in Christ – how we can do all things through Christ – How all things work together for the good to those in Christ – how in Christ He always leads us to triumph and in Christ we are more than conquerors, how by the stripes of Jesus we have been healed and how Jesus became so very poor, so that we could become rich… that is the New Covenant word of His grace and that is the message that releases signs, wonders and miracles!