Today’s devotion is from Acts 20:32

So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

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The Word of His grace…

There is an anointing on the word of grace, New Covenant gracecháris’ is a supernatural gift of favor towards the Father because of Jesus. The word of His grace is the New Covenant revelation of what Jesus did on the cross, who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us. The word of His grace imparts power over sin, strength in weakness and supernatural ability to do the works of Jesus and greater! 

The word of His grace builds believers up and positions them to receive their inheritance through Christ Jesus! The word of His grace establishes that believers are loved, empowered, favored, made righteous, made holy and made acceptable in The Beloved. 

As believers sit under the word of His grace, their minds become renewed to the powerful, life-transforming New Covenant of grace and as they begin to apply the truth of the word of His grace, they begin to walk in the fullness of their inheritance in Christ. They begin to walk in divine health, prosperity, wisdom, favor and power.

The reason that many believers do not walk in the fullness of their inheritance in Christ is that they are not sitting under ministries that teach and impart the truth about the word of His grace.

Consequently, they are not built up, but are cast down, disqualified and condemned and they are wrongly taught that they have to earn right standing with God by their works. Sitting under a sin-conscious, legalistic, works dominated, formula orientated teaching will continue to disqualify such believers from ever receiving or walking in their inheritance.

There are ministries and leaders who do not believe in the Word of His grace because they either have not yet received revelation on the word of grace, or they have just rejected it outrightly.

We need to pray for such ministries and leaders and have compassion and grace towards them, but we should not sit under their teachings, which will only hinder faith and joy in believing.

I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified