Today’s devotion is from 2 Timothy 1:6  (TPT)

Fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you.

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The enemy is continually attempting to dampen our enthusiasm and to quench the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He wants to blot out the fire of God in our lives and replace it with discouragement, apathy and lethargy. We need to continually fan the flames of the Holy Ghost fire in our lives and keep them burning strongly. Jeremiah the prophet said, “His Word in my heart is like a burning fire shut up in my bones.”  

Jesus has baptized us with the Holy Ghost and with fire! The fire of the Holy Ghost brings passion, energy, power, excitement and fervent unending faith. It burns away apathy, discouragement, doubt, fear and every work of the enemy and ignites revival in our souls.

Fan the flame by speaking to it in faith, by praying in the Holy Ghost, by meditating on the Word and by pressing into God and letting Him touch you anew.