Today’s devotion is from Romans 8:14

All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 

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It is very important that as New Covenant believers we know how to discern the leading of the Spirit…

Firstly we need to recognize that the Holy Spirit is kingdom minded… in other words, He prioritizes the kingdom of God and kingdom assignments. Paul the Apostle said, “To live is Christ”. He also said that all things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. The Holy Spirit will lead us to people, places, events and organizations because of a kingdom assignment, not necessarily because of your personal needs and preferences. The Lord is your Provider, so do not look to a job or people as your source.

The Holy Spirit may lead a person to take a job for minimum wage at a place that is not appealing because of a kingdom assignment at that place. Looking at the job as an assignment, not a source of supply is key. Seeking the leading of the Spirit in a way that prioritizes the kingdom and that is not based on finances, likes dislikes or even personal ability is important. Many times we rule out the leading of the Spirit because we feel that the shoe does not fit. His leading is based on His provision, His ability and His priorities.

The Holy Spirit led Paul to be imprisoned… Paul said that his chains were in the Lord. (Philippians 1:12-14) The Holy Spirit led Jesus to the cross and He led Joseph through the pit, through slavery and through prison to the palace. Seek the leading of the Spirit with a kingdom priority and knowing that the assignments of the Lord will be accompanied by supernatural provision, supernatural ability and supernatural favor. Once you feel the leading of the Spirit step out in faith one step at a time… the children of God are led by the Spirit!