Today’s devotion is from John 16:23,24 

And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He will give it you… ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

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Friends when I think of what Jesus did on the Cross and how He paid the price in full for everything that you need today, I stand amazed at His goodness, His power and His love for us.

Many people feel they have to pray these elaborate, fancy prayers to receive anything from the Lord, but it is not a fancy prayer that receives, it is simple faith in the finished work of Jesus.

If it builds you faith to pray an elaborate prayer…then go ahead and pray that way…but I love how John 16:23, 24 just simply says “Whatsoever you ask the Father in my Name… He will give it to you… ask, you shall receive so that your joy may be full”. That verse says it all – we can come to the Lord just as we are… ask Him the things we are believing for and then know our prayers will be answered. We never have to look to man for the things we have need of. We only need to look to the Lord God Almighty.

As a young couple when we first stepped out in ministry, the first thing the Lord ever taught us was this, that we could look to Him for every need, everything that would take us from one day to the next. His faithfulness to this day has never stopped… He continues to answer our prayers and we continue to receive of His goodness.

The miracle is that when you receive from the Lord, it’s so supernatural, it’s so miraculous, that you begin to overflow with Joy. The Lord has called us to live by His goodness, His grace, His power, His might and His fullness. As we continue to look to Him to meet every need, to answer each prayer, each desire of our heart, He will respond and we will receive from Him all that we have need of and our “Joy” will overflow. 

What is overflowing Joy? It’s when you are so blessed at His goodness, that you cannot stop sharing… His joy will bubble forth out of you to others… you will overflow Joy to others… their faith will be encouraged… and God will get all the Glory.