Today’s devotion is from 3 John 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 

Your soul; your mind your will and your emotions determine the level of prosperity that you are able to receive…

With a renewed mind of Christ, renewed emotions and a renewed prosperous will, a believer can receive all of the intended blessings of the Lord. The Lord has already freely given us health, prosperity and every available blessing under the New Covenant, so the problem is not that Lord has not provided, the problem is in our ability to receive it.

We receive what the Lord has given with our words of faith, but all of the words of faith in the world cannot fully receive if our souls are in poverty. An unrenewed mind will talk people out of their blessing every time, unrenewed emotions will never ‘feel’ worthy or ‘feel’ the ability to receive what has been given. An unrenewed will, will not want things God’s way and will never be disciplined enough to implement God’s revealed plans.

Your soul is your inner net that catches the blessings of the Lord…

Renewed, healed, whole emotions, souls and minds receive and add faith and actions to what has been given. An inwardly broken person with a broken heart and a broken head and a broken will needs ‘soul healing’. They can win the lottery and lose everything in a short time… a broken soul turns everything into stress, failure and hardship.  

Your soul is your processor…

A transformed, prosperous soul receives the Word, hears the Spirit and then receives it and implements it in such a way that it brings life, success and prosperity to every area of life. Your prosperous soul processes and considers it all joy when you fall under trials. Your prosperous soul processes everything in the light of ‘all things work together for good in Christ,’ and ‘when I am weak, then I am strong’ and, ‘God always causes me to triumph in Christ’. A prosperous soul processes all fear into faith, all doubt into believing, all apprehension into the expectation of good, all negativity into hope and all judgment of other into compassion, grace and love.

Ask the Holy Spirit today to pour in the oil and the wine, the kind that restores and prospers your soul. Receive healing for your soul right now and allow the Holy Spirit to prosper your soul, in Jesus Name!