Today’s devotion is from Revelation 2:29 

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

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We have a hearing problem among many believers today…

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and it looks like they are listening, they nod their heads, they say “yes, I agree”, but deep inside, you know that they did not really hear you. They heard you speaking, but they filtered what you said through their own preconceived ideas and heard something totally different to what you said.

Many Christians have the same problem with the Lord and with the Word of God; they filter what the Lord says through their world view, through their religious mindset and through their preconceived ideas and they do not really hear God, they hear a distorted, polluted, corrupted, diluted version of what God is trying to say to them.

Jesus said over and over, “he who has an ear, let him hear”. He knew that they did not have a physical hearing problem, so He was not talking about their physical ability to hear, He was talking about their filter. Jesus wanted people to get rid of their filters and preconceived ideas and really hear what He was actually saying… unfiltered!

The Word says that it is a form of warfare to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ…

As the Word is being preached, as truth is being spoken by a friend, as a believer studies scripture and as the Lord speaks, the devil immediately tries to steal the Word or corrupt it by influencing a person to filter it instead of receiving it in it’s purest form. Instead of being still and hearing the voice of the Lord exactly as intended, the enemy raises up arguments, reasoning’s and a deceptive form of processing truth into error.

By grace, through faith, develop an ear to hear the undiluted voice of God. Get rid of all filters and preconceived ideas and worldviews and really hear. The next time someone is preaching under the anointing, the next time someone is sharing under the anointing and the next time you study the Word, take your thoughts captive and really HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Receive it in the purest form. When you do, a scripture that you may have read fifty times before may come alive and change your life, your destiny and the lives of others - Selah